Muro de escalada "The Rock School" (Singapur)

Dirección: Singapur, Singapur, 850 New Upper Changi Road
Página web:
Descripción: The Rock School is Singapore’s first climbing centre designed, constructed and dedicated to kids of ages 4 to 14 years old. We aim to promote the sport of Rock Climbing in a fun and safe environment. Besides training kids to rock climb in a safe and fun environment, educational elements are also included in activities and programs. In addition, time for family bonding is a significant part of The Rock School focus.
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Agregado: 26.03.2015

Muros de escalada En esta ciudad

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Singapur, Nanyang Technological University Climbing Gym

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Singapur, 100 Guillemard Village

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Singapur, 1208 upper boon keng road