Climbing gym "Atlant" (Moscow)

Fullname: ФОК "Атлант"
Address: Russia, Moscow, ul. Uraljskaya, d. 19A
Max Height: 8 m
Area of wall: 40 m²
Work Time: будни с 16:00 до 18:00
Sat. с 10:00 до 14:00
Contacts: +7-903-157-51-64
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Added: 20.02.2015

Climbing gyms in this city

Fitnes-Klub World Gym

Moscow, ul. Dubininskaya, 71 str.1

Area of wall: 40 m²
Max Height: 8 m
Detskaya ploschadka

Moscow, Petrovsko-Razumovskii proezd, d. 24/1

Area of wall: 95 m²
Max Height: 3 m

Moscow, ul. Belorechenskaya, 25 st. 2

Area of wall: 50 m²
Max Height: 2.5 m