Climbing gym "DYuC "Presnya"" (Moscow)

Fullname: Детско-юношеский центр "Пресня"
Address: Russia, Moscow, Glubokii per., 7
Max Height: 3 m
Area of wall: 45 m²
Work Time: Mon. Wed. Fri.16.00-20.30
Contacts: +7(495)205-48-33
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Added: 17.02.2015

Climbing gyms in this city

Park Sokoljniki

Moscow, Sokoljniki

Route Bouldering Speed
Area of wall: 38 m²
Max Height: 8 m
TRC Belaya dacha

Moscow, MKAD 14 km, 1

Max Height: 16 m

Moscow, Elektrolitnyi pr., 7, str.2

Area of wall: 527 m²
Max Height: 9 m